SUPERFAMILY 1.75 HMM library and genome assignments server

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Assembly domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein superfamily

SCOP classification
Root:   SCOP hierarchy in SUPERFAMILY [ 0] (11)
Class:   Coiled coil proteins [ 57942] (7)
Fold:   Parallel coiled-coil [ 57943] (34)
Superfamily:   Assembly domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein [ 58006]
Families:   Assembly domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein [ 58007]

Superfamily statistics
Genomes (66) Uniprot 2018_03 genome PDB chains (SCOP 1.75)
Domains 218 575 2
Proteins 218 573 2

Functional annotation
General category coiled coil
Detailed category The code refers to a Pentameric_coiled_coils in the CC+ database. Please click on the link for more information and to visit the CC+ website.

Function annotation of SCOP domain superfamilies

Mouse Phenotype (MP)

(show details)
MP termFDR (all)SDMP levelAnnotation (direct or inherited)
Mammalian Phenotype (MP)growth/size/body region phenotype0Least InformativeDirect
Mammalian Phenotype (MP)abnormal postnatal growth/weight/body size0Moderately InformativeDirect
Mammalian Phenotype (MP)abnormal body composition0Moderately InformativeDirect

Document: MP annotation of SCOP domains

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Internal database links

Browse genome assignments for this superfamily. The SUPERFAMILY hidden Markov model library has been used to carry out SCOP domain assignments to all genomes at the superfamily level.

Alignments of sequences to 1 models in this superfamily are available by clicking on the 'Alignments' icon above. PDB sequences less than 40% identical are shown by default, but any other sequence(s) may be aligned. Select PDB sequences, genome sequences, or paste in or upload your own sequences.

Browse and view proteins in genomes which have different domain combinations including a Assembly domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein domain.

Examine the distribution of domain superfamilies, or families, across the major taxonomic kingdoms or genomes within a kingdom. This gives an immediate impression of how superfamilies, or families, are restricted to certain kingdoms of life.

Explore domain occurrence network where nodes represent genomes and edges are domain architectures (shared between genomes) containing the superfamily of interest.

There are 1 hidden Markov models representing the Assembly domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein superfamily. Information on how the models are built, and plots showing hydrophobicity, match emmission probabilities and insertion/deletion probabilities can be inspected.

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